By Evalin Hester
The DeQuincy City Council Meeting was called to order by Denise Maddox, Council President on Mar. 14 at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers.
Public Input (Not on Agenda)
Gay Blagrave discussed her concerns about cats still being fed at her neighbor’s house thus causing a large gathering of cats in her neighborhood. She has witnessed the feeding of the cats three times since the Ordinance has passed. She is not aware if the neighbors have given their permission to the feeding of cats on their property or not but will ask.
Erika Buxton and her family were present to talk about Becky’s Blessing Box. Buxton presented a layout with pictures and discussed how the Becky’s Blessing Box will operate. The family will take care of the box and make sure it is stocked and cleaned. Danny Allain is going to build the Blessing Box. Buxton plans to continue her mother’s legacy of helping others by installing a Blessing Box.
Vance Perkins expressed his concerns about the repairs on the Railroad Museum (The Crown Jewel) of the City. When it rains, there seems to be drips inside the Museum. The Mayor and Council have been in contact with FEMA and the next step is that the City has to have the roof shrink wrapped again. The City has to go with the guidelines of FEMA to get the museum back in the condition it was before the hurricanes.
Minutes, Agenda, Ordinances, and Resolutions
Approval was given by the Council of the Feb. 14, 2022 regular meeting minutes, and Mar. 14, 2022 Agenda. A Public Hearing and adoption of the ordinance regarding abandonment of the alleyway in Hereford Addition No. 2 was held. Approval was given. The City has completed all requirements on this project; the Ordinance was adopted.
After discussion of the Council concerning the Tower Lease Amendment with Branch Communications, the Council has decided to table this until a later date.
A Resolution was approved by the Council to appoint Mayor Riley Smith as Director and William “Hank” Frazier as Alternate Director, for a term of four years to the Board of Directors of the Louisiana Municipal Natural Gas Purchasing and Distribution Authority.
The Resolution informing the Louisiana DEQ that the city will continue maintaining our wastewater treatment plant and continue required analytical analysis in accordance with the current LDEQ permit, including month monitoring of influent CBOD.
The Council approved the purchase of a Spartan tool ultimate warrior tier IV diesel trailer jetter. The one the city has is 26 years old. If they were to have it rebuilt would cost around $10,000. The council agreed to purchase the double axle with a complete cover. This machine will be able to perform serval different things that the old one cannot. This will be a plus for the Sewer Department. There is also grant funds that can be sought to purchase this equipment.
Council Input
Ronda Jacobs: Things are beginning to look better around town, and things are going good.
Mark Peloquin: He inquired about the property on LeBlanc and the street repairs.
Margaret Skinner-Brown: She is looking over her district at different structures aar to what needs repairs and demolition. You will see lots of changes in her district.
Judy Landry: All is good and things are looking better.
Denise Maddox: Inquired about Margaret St. and the condition it is in and would like for Frazier to take a look at it. She received messages from citizens in town thanking the Council and Mayor for taking action on cleaning things up in our town.