November 8, 2021
DeQuincy, LA
The city council of the city of DeQuincy met in regular session on the above date in the city hall council chambers located at 300 Holly Street, DeQuincy, Louisiana, with the following members present: Judy Landry, Denise Maddox, Mark Peloquin, and Ronda Jacobs. Absent: Daisy Cole.
Council Chairman Denise Maddox called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Smith gave the invocation and Judy Landry led the pledge of allegiance.
Motion was made by Judy Landry and seconded by Ronda Jacobs to approve the October 11, 2021, regular meeting minutes. Without objection, the motion carried.
Valecia Royer read the financial report. As of October 31, 2021, the overall total revenue, actual year to date is $575,325.10 with the FYE 9/30/2022 budget being $4,521,710.00 and a remaining budget of 3,946,384.90. The total expenses, as of October 31, 2021, actual year to date totals are $563,655.02, with the FYE 9/30/2022 budget total expenses being $6,166,670.00, and the remaining budget of $5,603,014.98.
Chief Johnny Copeland was absent but Mayor Smith read his report. There were eight (8) calls for October 2021.
Police Chief Casey Whitehead gave the police report for October 2021. There were 221 violations, 14 arrests, 269 complaints filed, and 4 warrants served. The fines and bonds collected for the month of October totaled approximately $26,587.11. There were 69 calls for service in District 1, 38 in District 2, 77 in District 3 and 50 in District 4. The PD Officers patrolled approx. 5907 miles during the month of October 2021.
Mr. Carroll furnished the council with a copy of his report.
Hank Frazier gave the public works report for the street department killed gas services on Edgewood Street and Hall Streetinstalled new gas services on H. Rainwater Road, Hargrove Loop, Corley Road and on Hwy. 389
? installed 3 culverts on West Park Loop, 2 culverts installed on Overton Street repaired gas leak on Rainwater Roadpatched pot holes in all of the districts
Hank Frazier gave the sewer report. Repaired sand filter at the Wastewater Plant Installed new sewer tap on Green Street and on Hereford Street Performed routine maintenance on Edgewood Lift Station and the Wilcox Lift Station
Repaired sewer main in the alley in Chavis Square
DeQuincy, LA
? Mayor Smith advised the council a small grant will be received by the city that is specific to filling pot holes
? The Christmas parade is scheduled for December 4 at 10:00 a.m. and there will be activities in town during the day to coincide with the parade.
? The improvements at the sewer plant are almost done but are still waiting on the lights to be installed
A motion was made by Ronda Jacobs and seconded by Mark Peloquin to approve the November 8, 2021 agenda. Without objection, the motion carried.
Public Input
Items Not on the Agenda:
? Arnold Blagrave asked for council help in getting the property at 306 LeBlanc cleaned up. He also mentioned the telephone and cable lines that were hanging from poles all over town and asked if someone could be contacted to cut these lines down.
? Bob Ingle asked about the property where Market Basket was formerly located. At the very least he would like the city to request that a fence be put back up around the property to keep people, kids mostly, from entering the property.
Items on the Agenda:
A condemnation hearing was held on the property located at 309 LeBlanc Street. The owners of the property did not appear and there was no public comment. A motion was made by Mark Peloquin and seconded by Judy Landry to proceed with the condemnation. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Judy Landry, Denise Maddox, Mark Peloquin, and Ronda Jacobs. Nays: None. Absent: Daisy Cole. Abstain: None.
A motion was made by Mark Peloquin and seconded by Ronda Jacobs to accept the high bid from Johnny Tolbert on the 2003 Bobcat Excavator 331. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Judy Landry, Denise Maddox, Mark Peloquin, and Ronda Jacobs. Nays: None. Absent: Daisy Cole. Abstain: None.
A motion was made by Mark Peloquin and seconded by Judy Landry to rebid the 1997 Ditch Witch 5110 Trencher with the minimum bid being $12,000.00. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Judy Landry, Denise Maddox, Mark Peloquin, and Ronda Jacobs. Nays: None. Absent: Daisy Cole. Abstain: None.
A motion was made by Ronda Jacobs and seconded by Mark Peloquin to accept the low bid for the maintenance work to be done on the rail spur on the west end of the city limits. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Judy Landry, Denise Maddox, Mark Peloquin, and Ronda Jacobs. Nays: None. Absent: Daisy Cole. Abstain: None.
A motion was made by Ronda Jacobs and seconded by Judy Landry to table, for one month, the condemnation of the structure located at 110 Self Street but asked the owner to secure the property and keep the grass mowed. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Judy Landry, Denise Maddox, Mark Peloquin, and Ronda Jacobs. Nays: None. Absent: Daisy Cole. Abstain: None.
A motion was made by Ronda Jacobs and seconded by Judy Landry to table, for one month, the condemnation of the structure at 807 Pugh Street. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Judy Landry, Denise Maddox, Mark Peloquin, and Ronda Jacobs. Nays: None. Absent: Daisy Cole. Abstain: None.
A motion was made by Ronda Jacobs and seconded by Judy Landry to table, for one month, the condemnation of the structure located at 808 Pugh Street. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Judy Landry, Denise Maddox, Mark Peloquin, and Ronda Jacobs. Nays: None. Absent: Daisy Cole. Abstain: None.
Judy Landry had no council concerns.
Mark Peloquin asked the Mayor for clarification on the pot hole grant.
Ronda Jacobs asked the Code Enforcer about 704 N. Perkins. The owner of the property was present and advised the council of his intent regarding the property.
Denise Maddox asked the Code Enforcer about the lot on the corner of Boone and Bishop Street. He informed the council he has been in contact with the property owner and they are working on cleaning up the property.
Ronda Jacobs made a motion to adjourn and Judy Landry seconded the motion.
/s/Pat Brummett
City Council Clerk
/s/Riley Smith
/s/Denise Maddox
Run: Dec. 15, 2021 (D-4)