By Carolyn Frazier – Malmborg
The Class of 1970 would like to include the Classes of 1969 and 1971 for our Class Reunion. Dan Doughtary and Peggy Smith-Ellzey are getting in touch with Class of 1971.
If you know of anyone in the 1969 Class that would like to attend, have them get in touch with me and if anyone would like to keep up with current information, we have a Facebook group, “Sr. 1970”.
We plan to attend the Homecoming football game on Oct. 15. After the game we’ll go to Penny Penton-Blackburn’s parents’ home for a get together with snacks, chips, dips, drinks, etc.
Saturday we’ll have a Fish Fry at the Railroad Museum pavilion. Danny Manuel and helpers will be in charge of frying the fish, french fries, cornbread and hushpuppies. He has one large pot to fry fish but he will need another one or two for the fries, cornbread and hushpuppies. Arrive at your convenience, but Danny will start cooking about 11 a.m.
A few people have volunteered to bring desserts. We’ll let them know closer to date if those people will get in touch with me, I’ll let you know for sure if we need desserts.
Bring your lawn chairs. We may need tables. Again, we’ll know closer to the date.
Danny Manuel will bring the 16 ft. trailer for the parade float, but we still need hay to sit on. For old times’ sake, we can decorate the float and make a couple of posters.
We are asking everyone attending to donate $30 per family to help cover all expenses. Please know that if you are not able to afford this we want you to come anyway. We are more interested in getting everyone together. We are asking for an RSVP and donatins by Sept. 25. Danny needs a headcount so he can purchase the fish, etc.
We do know that Dalton’s mom, Mrs. Alma Smith, will attend. If anyone knows of any other teachers and contact information, let me know.
I’ve had a good number of positive responses. Hoping to get more.
We will have name tags.
Thanks to everyone for your help. It is most appreciated.
Make checks/money orders to Carolyn Frazier-Malmborg, 7722 Chalk Bluff, Cheyenne, WY 82007.