American Legion State officials have contacted DeQuincy Police Major Jerry Bell in regards to re-activating the American Legion Post in DeQuincy. DeQuincy is a veteran’s city with many of its citizens having served through the years.
Mayor Riley Smith, who supports all veterans, has agreed to host the Legion meetings until further arrangements can be made. The first meeting to kick off the Post is to be held Thursday, May 27 at 6 p.m. at Riley Smith & Sons Funeral Home. All veterans are encouraged to attend this first meeting. Call Major Bell at 337-786-4000 and leave your name and number. He will contact you if any changes are made in regards to the meeting.
To be in the American Legion you must have served during any year where the U.S. was at war or on battle operations. However, all veterans are encouraged come to ensure that they qualify.
There will be a State Representative at the meeting to let us know the dates and proper procedures. DeQuincy needs to be represented in the American Legion, so we encourage all veterans to come and we thank you for your service.