By Evalin Hester
The council meeting was called to order Monday, Oct. 19, at 6 p.m. at DeQuincy City Hall Council Chambers at 300 N. Holly St. Invocation and pledge were led by Mayor Riley Smith and Denise Maddox.
All of the following meeting minutes were approved by the council: Aug. 10, 2020 regular meeting; Aug. 25, 2020 emergency meeting; Aug. 29, 2020 emergency meeting; Sept. 9, 2020 emergency meeting; Sept. 10, 2020 emergency meeting; Sept. 25, 2020 special meeting; Oct. 8, 2020 special meeting.
Finance report will be given in full at the next council meeting.
Fire Report: Johnny Copeland was out of town, but Mayor Smith reported that the fire department worked with others helping wherever the help was needed.
Public Works Report: work is progressing daily. Some pot holes that were extremely bad have been patched, others will need more attention. Debris is currently being removed and clean up continues.
Sewer Department Report: Wastewater is up and running. It lost power a few times with generator but nothing major. Wastewater system ran good during the hurricanes. Sewer Department helped with the Street Crew.
Nothing to report at this time from the Code Enforcement Department.
DeQuincy Police Department Report: For the month of August Fines and Bonds collected were approximately $17,700. Complaints 325, Arrests 27, Tickets 166, Warnings 105. For the month of September Fines and Bonds were approximately $17,000 Complaints 359, Arrests 35, Tickets 122, and Warnings 131. Patrol miles of approximately 8,000. Increase due to additional units working and stepped up patrol activity during the aftermath of Hurricane Laura/curfew enforcement.
City Reports: Mayor Smith has a meeting Thursday, Oct. 22, with Waste Management. Some of the city buildings will be tarped soon; no repairs have been made at this time, due to Fema. Waiting on Fema to give assessment and then the repairs can start. Everything is moving well, moving slow but it is getting done.
Builders Of America has purchased the building that housed Perkin’s Drug Store.
Vyve is being restored and they are making progress. Customers are urged to be patient.
CenturyLink is working on their lines and progress is also being made.
A public hearing and adoption of an ordinance regarding providing for implementation of the Provisions of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act 2020 regarding Emergency Paid Sick Leave was approved by council.
Amendment and ratification of the emergency ordinances were approved.
A Resolution authorizing Mayor Smith to accept the DeQuincy Industrial Airpark’s 2021-2026 Capital improvement Program was adopted.