By Mike Suchanek
Cooper Goza ended the 2019-20 Little Britches rodeo season and was named the All Around Reserve champion. He competed all year long in four events with his sights on nationals to be held in Guthrie, Okla. His placings in the state were Champion of flag racer, 3rd in pole bending, 3rd in goat ribbon pull and 7th in barrel racing. He qualified for Nationals in all four events. Goza was awarded two trophy saddles and three buckles.
Little Britches Nationals were held in July. Goza won the second round of Little Wrangler pole bending and was awarded a gold buckle. He finished 14th in the nation at the National Rodeo in the all around competition.
Goza is the 7 year old son of Jerry and Jennifer Goza of Sulphur and the grandson of Darwin and Patty Pinder and Colleen Pinder, all of DeQuincy.