Due to the Covid-19 virus, the Apr. 4, Presidential Preference Primary/Municipal Primary has been rescheduled to Saturday, July 11.
Early voting for those who would like to vote early or who will be out of the parish on Election Day will be conducted through Saturday, July 4 (excluding Sunday) from 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. at the following locations:
Registrar of Voters Office, Parish Courthouse, 1000 Ryan St., Rm. 7, Lake Charles.
West Cal Business Center (New Training Center), Please notice Change in the location of Early Voting to Bldg. C”, 500 C N. Huntington St., Sulphur.
Moss Bluff Library, 261 Parish Rd., Lake Charles.
Please Note–This is a Closed Party Election. Items on the ballot are:
- Democratic Party Presidential Nominee (Only registered Democrats are eligible)
- Republican Party Presidential Nominee (Only registered Republicans are eligible)
- Republican Parish Executive Committee – District 1
- Sales Tax District No. 4-A Proposition (Sales Tax Renewal)
Be prepared! It is important to Know Before You Go! Party Affiliation, polling locations, sample ballots, precinct information, and more is available using the Geaux Vote App or www.Geauxvote.com. You may also call the Registrar of Voters office with any questions at 337-721-4000. Remember to bring photo Identification.
All voters are highly encouraged to wear face coverings, adhere to CDC social distancing rules, and adopt additional protocols consistent with their specific needs and circumstances.