Ashworth named Singer Teacher of Year

Dustin Ashworth, SHS Middle School Teacher of the Year

“What students learn in the classroom today translates into the kind of adults they will be in the future, not just academically, but in life skills as well.”

Dustin Ashworth, business teacher at Singer High School, believes that moving students toward self-motivation and personal responsibility puts them in the best possible position to succeed in school and in life.

“I teach business and media, but what I teach also has to do with being successful in life,” explained Ashworth. “I want my students to know that good study habits, responsibility in keeping up with assignments and completing homework are all skills that will convert into being responsible with family and work as they move out of school and into the next part of their lives.”

Ashworth creates a classroom where students feel empowered to try new things, and even if they fail, to learn that the challenge of trying again is important to eventual success.
