September 9, 2019
DeQuincy, LA
The city council of the city of DeQuincy met in regular session on the above date in the city hall council chambers located at 300 Holly Street, DeQuincy, Louisiana, with the following members present: Judy Landry, Daisy Cole, Denise Maddox, Mark Peloquin and Ronda Jacobs. Absent: None.
Council Chairman Denise Maddox called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Smith gave the invocation and Mark Peloquin led the pledge of allegiance.
Motion was made by Judy Landry and seconded by Ronda Jacobs to approve the August 12, 2019 regular session minutes. Without objection, the motion carried.
Valecia Royer, CPA, gave the financial report. As of August 31, 2019, the overall total revenue, the actual year to date is $4,647,083.13 with the 9/30/2019 beginning budget being $4,161,100.00, with a remaining budget of $(485,983.13), the amended budget as of 9/30/2019 being $4,416,100.00 and a remaining budget of ($230,983.13). The total expenses, as of August 31, 2019, actual year to date totals are $4,116,014.21, with the budget 9/30/2019 beginning budget total expenses being $5,409,770.00, the remaining budget being $1,293,755.79, with the 9/30/2019 amended budget being $4,747,770.00 and remaining budget of $631,755.79.
The July 2019 fire report was read by Fire Chief Johnny Copeland. The Fire Department had seven (7) calls for August 2019.
Police Chief, Casey Whitehead gave the police report. There were 302 violations issued, 64 arrests, 249 complaints filed, 168 warnings issued and 30 warrants served. The fines and bonds collected for the month of August totaled $32,426.00. The number of calls for service in District 1 was 64, the number of calls in District 2 was 41, the number of calls for service in District 3 was 54, the number of calls for District 4 was 59 and DeQuincy PD assisted or backed up the CPSO out of the city limits on 30 calls.
Eddy Dahlquist gave the public works report. Two gas leaks were repaired, seven culverts were put in and the crew is continuing to dig ditches in the districts. Nursery Street will be shut down indefinitely for extensive repairs to the bridge.
Please remember the community event, “Always Remember” is taking place Wednesday night, September 11, at the 1st United Pentecostal Church at 7:30 p.m.
Ronda Jacobs made a motion to approve the September 9, 2019 agenda and Daisy Cole seconded the motion. Without objection, the motion carried.
Public Input:
Items on Agenda: None
Items Not on Agenda:
Seymour Pullam mentioned a house on Washington Street that needs to be considered for condemnation
Marvin Bowman advised the council he is working on getting the house at 230 Jackson Street torn down. He asked that they give him a little more time.
Jeffra DeViney reminded everyone of the fish fry being held by the Chamber of Commerce.
Tony O’Banion announced his candidacy for Calcasieu Parish Police Jury-District 1.
Wendy Aguillard addressed the council regarding her candidacy for re-election as Calcasieu Parish Tax assessor.
Renee Hoffpauir Klann addressed the council regarding her candidacy for Louisiana State Senate District 30.
A public hearing was held regarding the adoption of an ordinance amending the FYE 9/30/19 budget. There were no comments from the public but councilman Daisy Cole asked if the budget allowed for repairs to our police vehicles. It was explained “vehicles repairs” was a line item on our budget. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed.
A motion was made by Judy Landry and seconded by Mark Peloquin to adopt an ordinance amending the FYE 9/30/19 budget. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Judy Landry, Daisy Cole, Denise Maddox, Mark Peloquin and Ronda Jacobs. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.
A public hearing was held regarding the adoption of an ordinance to amend Section 3-28(C) of Article 1 of Chapter 3 of the Code or Ordinances of the City of DeQuincy concerning Alcoholic Beverage Permits for restaurants and to provide for related matters. There were no public comments and the public hearing was closed.
A motion was made by Mark Peloquin and seconded by Judy Landry to adopt an ordinance amending Section 3-28 (C) of Article 1 of Chapter 3 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of DeQuincy
to allow local restaurants, 300 feet or more from a church or school, to sell alcoholic beverages in conjunction with meals. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Judy Landry, Daisy Cole, Denise Maddox, Mark Peloquin and Ronda Jacobs. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.
A motion was made by Daisy Cole and seconded by Judy Landry to proceed to the next step of condemnation on 1101 Richard Allen Street, which will be setting the Condemnation Hearing. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Judy Landry, Daisy Cole, Denise Maddox, Mark Peloquin and Ronda Jacobs. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.
A motion was made by Ronda Jacobs and seconded by Mark Peloquin to adopt a resolution authorizing Mayor Smith to sign the Sponsor/State Agreement between the City of Dequincy an DOTD for Phase III of the Perimeter Fencing a the DeQuincy Industrial Airport. Motion carried as follows: Yeas: Judy Landry, Daisy Cole, Denise Maddox, Mark Peloquin and Ronda Jacobs. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.
Judy Landry had no concerns.
Daisy Cole thanked the city workers for all of the diligent work they have done on the fence line around the gym as well as putting up the larger children at play signs. Her concerns were as follows:
The corner of Booker Street and East Street as well as the ditches down that road need to be cleaned.
All of the ditches on the south side of Truth Street still need to be cleaned.
A concerned citizen called regarding police vehicles that are being repaired at a city residence. Inquired about city insurance and liability.
Ms. Cole also praised the city workers for all of the work they have done in her district.
Lastly, Ms. Cole mentioned Clarence Fountain, the first MIA from DeQuincy, passed away recently and she wanted the public to be aware of his passing.
Ronda Jacobs asked that Chief Whitehead contact DOTD regarding the stop sign at the corner of N. Division Street and LeBlanc Street. She is requesting the stop sign be moved to LeBlanc rather than N. Division.
Mark Peloquin mentioned a hole on Third Street, close to McNeese Street, that needs to be filled. Mr. Peloquin also mentioned he would like to see our airport promoted more. It is a valuable asset to the city and is essential to DeQuincy’s economic growth.
Denise Maddox had no concerns.
Judy Landry made a motion to adjourn and Ronda Jacobs seconded the motion.
/s/Pat Brummett
City Council Clerk
/s/Riley Smith
/s/Denise Maddox
Run: Oct. 16, 2019 (O-4)