By Evalin Hester
LAPAW Rescue and T.N.R. Wild Cat Spaynation, a mobile unit for dog and cats, was in DeQuincy on Friday, Aug. 16, to spay and left ear tip cats. The cats were not in anyway harmed and the left ear tip is noticeable.
They have been in business for nine years and have serviced approximately 65,000 animals, from this area to as far away as New Orleans. They even helped the city of Lafayette and New Orleans with their animal control.
Spaynation has a mobile unit, that was donated by James Denin Moncus, which is used to offer services such as vaccinations, ear tipping, spaying, and neutering. They are open for business four days a week.
If all places of business would make sure their dumpster lids were kept closed and food and debris cleaned around them, this would be of great help in deterring stray animals.
Calcasieu Animal Services offers five vouchers a year to help get your animals spayed, neutered and ear tipped, if you are on some type of assistance.
Petco Foundation helped make this trip possible with the cost of the procedures, from a grant.
If you would like to make a donation, send it to LAPAW Rescue, P. O. Box 2111, Sulphur LA 70604. You can also go to Alleycat.org for more information.