By Laurie Mueller, DeQuincy Senior Center Coordinator
Donations and sponsors are needed to help our center grow! All donations are appreciated!
Bingo and Pokeno: useful items including paper towels, toilet paper, laundry detergent, fabric softener, dishwashing liquid, bleach, cleaning sprays, Kleenex, disinfecting wipes, facial wipes, variety packs of chips or candy, food storage containers, canned tuna or chicken, spaghetti sauce, and other shelf stable food items. We try to keep items around $1-$2. We also can use gift cards for the big prize for the black-out game; $5-$10 cards appreciated.
We also have a need for art supplies. Some items needed are clothespins, craft paint, HTV vinyl, holiday ribbon, paint brushes, sponge brushes, artificial flowers, etc.
We try to have a party with a meal once a month and we celebrate birthdays once a month. Churches, businesses and other organizations sponsor these meals and we are Looking For Sponsors for Bingo and Pokeno!
Call 337-317-8522 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-12 noon to get more information.
Thanks so much for contributing to the abundant life of our DeQuincy Seniors!