By Evalin Hester
The monthly council meeting was held July 8, 2019 at City Hall in Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Denise Maddox, President of Council and the Invocation and pledge was lead by Mayor Smith and Judy Landry.
City Reports
Mayor Smith
The Public Works Department is working in each district and results are being seen.
Buxton Creek is being cleaned out by the parish. They will pick up limbs every Thursday.
A Noise Permit will be formed with Roy Williams, Ronda Jacobs and Daisy Cole.
The City will review the Trailer Ordinance with Arnold Blagrave, Queen Elizabeth Gray, Mark Peloquin and Denise Wilcox.
Several inputs not on Agenda
Several people spoke on issues around town:
In Amber Circle, several lots that need attention are attracting a rodent problem and property damage.
On Booker and Truth St., the sewer problem has gotten worse with the sewer backing up in residents homes, creating an unhealthy environment.
On August 2, a Back to School Fun Day will be held at the Oak Street Recreation Center. Donations for school supplies will be accepted.
Mr. Dewith Carrier spoke about his campaign for the House of Representatives, District 32.
Millage rates from last year will remain the same. A resolution regarding the 2019 millage rates was adopted. Motion was made by Mark Peloquin and seconded by Judy Landry. Motion was passed.
Mayor Smith was authorized to go out for bids on a surplus of vehicles and sell to the highest bidder.
Mark Peloquin made a motion and Judy Landry seconded the motion for Mayor Smith to accept the bid received from American Fence for the Perimeter Fencing of Phase III project for the amount of $107,226.50. Mary Jo Bayles stated this will complete the project at the airport.
A Resolution was adopted authorizing Mayor Smith to sign all documents necessary to apply for grant funding from the Calcasieu Parish Road and Drainage Trust Fund.
Lots owned by the city, that are located on Pine Street, were discussed as to whether the city should consider selling the lots. The City will get an appraisal on the lots before putting them up for sale.