DeQuincy Memorial Hospital is once again hosting the two week AHEC (Area Health Education Center) of a Summer Program.
Fourteen area high school students have enrolled. They will accompany the hospital’s nurses, pharmacist, lab and x-Ray techs, physical therapist, and other staff professionals to learn more about each hospital vocation and department.
They will learn about organ transplants, witness a fly-in from Air Med Ambulance, as well as learn about CPR.
The following field trips are slated: SOWELA Nursing Campus, Calcasieu Parish’s Coroner’s Office and Crime Lab, DeQuincy Senior Center, The Care Center of DeQuincy, LifeShare Blood Bank, Hobgood Pharmacy, Lake Area Dentistry, and more.
This program helps to shape careers of future medical professionals by offer hands-on experiences. Heather Royer is the Hospital Co-ordinator and Karlee Campbell is the AHEC Instructor.