Paul Harris, who founded Rotary way back in 1905, offered these prophetic words. “This is a changing world; we must be prepared to change with it. The story of Rotary will have to be written again and again!”
It took a while to write this change and it wasn’t easy…but today Rotarians around the world are celebrating 30 years of “Women in Rotary.”
There are now more than 145,000 women in Rotary’s ranks; there are 11 women in DeQuincy Rotary Club, out of 25 total members.
The club’s mission is to be a presence in DeQuincy, focusing on Rotary’s five avenues of service: Club, Vocational, Community, International and Youth.
Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 12 noon, at the DeQuincy United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, located at 301 E. Center St., and on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 12 noon, at El Tucan Restaurant meeting room, located at 1577 W. Fourth St.
For more information on how to join our club, contact Jeffra Wise DeViney, Membership Chairman, at 337-912-5063.