By Evalin Hester
The City Council meeting was held Monday, May 13, at City Hall in the Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Ronda Jacobs. Invocation and Pledge were led by Mayor Riley Smith and Mark Peloquin.
Sewer rates to change
Several ordinances were adopted. Ordinance #912, to amend Ordinance #784, to increase the sewer rates for customers beginning in 2020.
Inside City Limits, sewer rates for residential customers will be $16 per month with an annual increase of $2 per year until 2023, then residential customers will then see a 4% annual increase beginning each new year.
Residential customers outside city limits will be $20 per month with a $2 increase per year until 2023 with an annual 4% increase per new year.
Commercial rates in or outside city limits double the current rate with a $2 increase yearly until 2023 and succeeding year the rate will increase 4% per new year.
Ordinance #913 was adopted authorizing the issuance of one million two hundred thousand dollars ($1,200,000) of Sales Tax Bonds, Series 2019, of the City of DeQuincy. Pedestal Bank was awarded the bid with interest rate of 3.5%.
Property to be sold
Ordinance #914 was adopted to sell the city property located at 114 S. Pine St. to Alvin Dale Smith for the amount of $8,000.
What to do about stray cats
The City has an abundance of stray cats. This is causing a flea problem and destruction of property. If you are having stray cats on your property and would like to trap the cats, you may call City Hall or the Police Department for a trap. You will then need to call Animal Control to come pick up the cat or cats up and they should be there within two hours.
The Police Department is working diligently to solve this problem in our town.