By Jeffra DeViney
DeQuincy Chamber’s regular Board of Director’s meeting was held on Thursday, May 9, at Heritage Place Hotel & Suites meeting room. The noon luncheon was hosted by Harry Shaheen Realty.
Gun raffle tickets were handed out to Chamber members in attendance.
The Chamber is selling tickets for two rifles with the purchase of one ticket. With a $5 donation you get two chances to win.
The first drawing is for a Remington .308 Cal model 783 bolt action 16 1/2” heavy barrel rifle. The second drawing will be for a CVS Whelen stainless steel rifle with black stock.
The drawing will be held Saturday, Sept. 28, at Nichols. You need not be present to win.
The date was finalized for a Fish Fry Fundraiser; it will be held Thursday, Sept. 12, at 6:30 p.m. at the Joe Mueller Knights of Columbus Hall. There will be door prizes and auction items for this event.
The group voted in favor of giving $100 scholarship to Eli Aultman, DeQuincy High School, Student of the Year.
Darlene Hooker reminded everyone about the L.O.V.E. Community Rally Celebration to be held Saturday, May 18, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at the DeQuincy Railroad Museum Park.
The Chamber Board meetings will break for a summer hiatus with the next meeting being held Thursday, Aug. 9, at 12 noon at the Heritage Place.
There will not be a 4th of July Fireworks event this year.