May is Older American Month-Loving Our Very Own Elderly

Submitted by Gwen Chapper

May is Older American Month. L.O.V.E. (Loving Our Very Own Elderly + Disabled) Community Mission is a non- profit organization formed on Feb. 8, 2012. It celebrates the occasion with a senior rally yearly.

The first rally was held on Sept. 28, 2013. The 3rd Saturday in May was proclaimed Senior Rally Day by former Mayor Lawrence Henegan on May 16, 2015.

The mission serves the needs of our elderly and disabled with the help of our local churches, mission members, businesses, community leaders and volunteers. The volunteers provide calls to those living alone, local transportation, handiwork with mission’s discretion and yard work for those in need.

L.O.V.E. Mission’s desire is to inspire youth in the community to become active in service organizations.

The Mission sponsors/co-sponsors a Valentine social in February, the Annual May Senior Rally and a Thanksgiving Harvest program in November.

The Mission partners with the Cycle Knights of Port Arthur, Tx., Calcasieu Council on Aging and the Harry L. Hooker, Sr. Memorial Fund.

Pastor Marvin Durgan, the mission’s advisor will promote the rally Friday, May 17, on KPLC and Fox 29 at 8 a.m.

The rally will be held Saturday, May 18, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m., on the Railroad Museum grounds in DeQuincy. Volunteers are welcome!

For more information contact: Rev. Marvin Durgan – Advisor; Gwen Chapper at 337-794-9910; Alice Danclar at 314-369-2233; Darlene Hooker at 337-499-7165; Heather Sonnier at 337-304-2918, and Cathy Williams at 337-515-6255.
