Editor’s Note–Julia “Toby” Paige, longtime educator, administrator, community and civic leader, as well as volunteer, passed away on Tuesday, Mar. 12, 2019 at the age of 89.
Julia Lee Hollins “Toby” Paige, 89, of DeQuincy died Tuesday, Mar. 12, 2019.
She was born and raised in DeQuincy. She attended the DeQuincy Rosenwald Colored School until the age of 13. She attended school in Opelousas for one year and completed her high school education at the Holy Rosary Institute. She received her Bachelor of Science from Grambling State University, she earned her Masters Degree from McNeese State University: a Masters of Education in Counseling and Guidance: Masters of Education in Administration and Supervision and plus 30.
She was an educator for 31 years, however becoming a seamstress was her first desired profession. She served the Calcasieu Parish School System as a classroom teacher, guidance counselor and administrator. She began her teaching career as a Headstart teacher, and went on to become a second grade teacher, then to Mossville Junior High School. She was one of the initial crossover educators at Maplewood Junior High School (1968-1972). Her Guidance and Counseling career began at the DeQuincy Middle School (1973-1983). She retired after an additional nine years as an Administrator at the DeQuincy Middle School (1983-1992).
She has held educational membership in the National Education Association, Louisiana Education Association, Calcasieu Association of Educators, Calcasieu Counselors Association, and the Louisiana School of Counselors Association.
Her community memberships included being a charter member and President of the Kiwanis Club of DeQuincy, life member of the Lake Charles Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., life time member of Grambling State University Alumnae Chapter, and Louisiana Teachers Retirement Association. She was a participant and supporter in the 1999 Drug Education and Mentor’s Summer Camp sponsored by the DeQuincy Housing Authority and the DeQuincy Police Department.
She was affiliated with many concordant bodies of the Eastern Star. She was elected Grand Royal Matron of the Grand Amaranth Court at the 45th Communication of Esther Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, Inc., Louisiana Jurisdiction, Prince Hall Affiliation, 1983. She was elected as Royal Matron of the Mary M. Bell Amaranth Court No 24 of the Seventh Congressional District of Louisiana under the Jurisdiction of Esther Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star (P.H. Affiliation), 1977. She served as Worthy Matron of the Bright Morning Star Chapter No. 73 of the Esther Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star for many years and held many other offices.
Her civic associations included being a member of the Community Center and Playground District #1 of Ward 6 since 1985. She served for 22 years as supervisor over Recreation Centers and Swimming Pools in DeQuincy. She was a member of the DeQuincy Centennial Celebration Committee in 2003. She was past president of the DeQuincy Memorial Hospital Auxiliary of Pink Ladies.
She is survived by her sons, Robert F. “Baby Face” Paige, Jr. (Harlem Globetrotter/Educator) and wife, Gilda, of Houston, Texas and Kendal Reggie Paige (Manager Train Operations/Union Pacific Railroad) and wife, Cynthia, of Monroe; seven grandchildren, Johannis Edward Pullard of Los Angeles, Calif., Denise Woods, Kelly Frazier (James), Cheyanna M. Paige, Robert F. Paige III, all of Houston, Texas, Christopher Martin Paige, Ahmad Kendal Paige of Raleigh, N. C.; one niece, Dana Hollins; one nephew, Randy; and four great-grandchildren; Noah Paige and Kendal Lee Paige; and a host of relatives and friends
She was preceded in death, by her first husband, Joseph Edward Barnes; son, Johannis Edward Barnes; and second husband, Robert Fuller Paige Sr.
Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Mar. 16, at Evergreen Baptist Church with Rev. James Harris officiating. Visitation was held Saturday from 8 a.m until time of service. Interment was held at Paradise Cemetery in DeQuincy under the direction of James Funeral Home.